Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stories NOT for the nervous


Hardcover. Condition: Very Good; Dust Jacket: Good. 1965. Random House. Book Club Edition.

The title of this volume is Stories Not for the Nervous. There are those who will argue that this title could apply to any of the various tomes of terror, sagas of suspense, or groupings of grue which I have, from time to time, gathered together for the delectation of my readers. And indeed the point is well taken.

For I am not a man to cater to the nervous. If you are in the habit of chewing your fingernails, jumping from your chair when a door slams, or swooning when someone playfully shouts "Boo!" in your ear, I have only two words of advice--pass on.

If, however, you have nerves which are under good control, nerves which are pleasantly tickled by a touch of terror or agreeably stimulated by a soupçon of suspense, then I invite you to join me.

Take a seat, any seat, and start wherever you wish. Break for an intermission whenever you choose and return when you are ready. Informality rules in your enjoyment of this smörgåsbord of stories. There is, I think, something for every taste.

Except, that is, for the nervous.

And now my sixty seconds are up.

-Alfred Hitchcock

In this collection:

"To the Future" by Ray Bradbury
"River of Riches" by Gerald Kersh
"Levitation" by Joseph Payne Brennan
"Miss Winters and the Wind" by Christine Noble Govan
"View from the Terrace" by Mike Marmer
"The Man with Copper Fingers" by Dorothy L. Sayers
"The Twenty Friends of William Shaw" by Raymond E. Banks
"The Other Hangman" by Carter Dickson
"Don't Look Behind You" by Fredric Brown
"No Bath for the Browns" by Margot Bennet
"The Uninvited" by Michael Gilbert
"Dune Roller" by Julian May
"Something Short of Murder" by Henry Slesar
"The Golden Girl" by Ellis Peters
"The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes" by Margaret St. Clair
"Walking Alone" by Miriam Allen deFord
"For All the Rude People" by Jack Ritchie
"The Dog Died First" by Bruno Fischer
"Room with a View" by Hal Dresner
"Lemmings" by Richard Matheson
"White Goddess" by Idris Seabright
"The Substance of Martyrs" by William Sambrot
"Call for Help" by Robert Arthur
"Sorry, Wrong Number" by Lucille Fletcher and Allan Ullman